Improving your results
- This page shows more examples of what you can put in the brackets.
- You can edit or extend these as required.
- There's no limit on what you can place in the brackets, simply explain how VetNotes should handle the field.
Specify that the field should be a number.
Dental: [dental grade, a number between 1 and 5]
Weight: [number] kg
Yes or No fields
Worming UTD: ["Yes" or "No", use "Yes" if unknown]
Worming UTD: ["Yes" or "No", leave blank if unknown]
Worming UTD: ["Yes" or "No", write "Not mentioned" if unknown]
Give a default value.
Abdo: [Note any abnormalities, write "NAD - No masses or pain." if body system is normal, or unknown]
Include more details, depending on the answer
Cough/Vomit/Dia: ["Yes" or "No". Write "No" if unknown. If "Yes" include any relevant details]
List out items/products/etc
Tx: [List out treatments, names only, leave blank if unknown]
Diet: [List foods, names only, leave blank if unknown]
You can put whatever you'd like in the brackets, just write it in natural language. Simply explain to VetNotes what you'd like written in that area.
If you'd like help adding your template to VetNotes, you can email your template to me ( and I'll happily edit it for you.